Winning Smiles

Winning Smiles
Samohi SAGE Team Wins National Competition in Cincinnati Ohio



Welcome to our on-line journal of events and activities as we journeyed across the ocean to represent the United States in the SAGE World Cup event in Abuja Nigeria. Our journal starts approximately one week before we left Los Angeles and ends with our return to the United States. Our return is not an end but a new beginning as we each travel forward in our lives, much richer for our experiences and in the new friendships we have made and in the strengthening and appreciation for our family and friends.

You will find our first posting at the bottom of the page and by moving up each post, you can follow along in chronological order. You may click on any picture to enlarge it. To read the comments or to add your own after any posting, you can click on the “Comments” link at the end of each post. We hope you enjoy the journey!

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